Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What a kick ass date night

Do you guys hear that?....thats the sound of me typing again. wow i haven't posted in a while. Mostly because i've been busy, and i didn't want to. But now i am sitting in this geography class and she cant stop talking about convection and the suns rays and blah blah blah and i need a distraction.

Since my last post i've seen alot of movies. But i dont remember. I probably should have written them down or something. But the ones i do remember.....


This movie was actually a big surprise. I went in thinking i was going to watch a stupid funny movie. And i was fully surprised when it turned out to be an action movie! It was literally a superhero movie. Who would have thunk it? Story of a boy who sees all these bullies in his area, and is bullied himself, so he decides to become a super hero without the need of help like spiderman or superman but more just from will like batman. But, as it turns out he is just some dorky kid with absolutely no powers and ends up getting his ass kicked. Kick ass ends up becoming famous through the wonder of technology and foolishly ends up messing with the wrong people, so he gets help from some real superheros (i guess you could say. actually let me rephrase, by very well prepared superheros) Big Daddy and Hit Girl. Hit Girl turned out to be a really good character and on of my favorites. I'm all about little girls who kill people and cusses worst than me, and thats saying something. Thats one thing that i  found shocking, super heros NEVER kill their enemies. They always just let them learn their lesson by hanging them over a building or something and then they turn them into the authorities. But not these guys!! They actually kill them. It was refreshing. Of course all superheros need a villain and this movie has several so im not going to spoil it by saying who. This movie had lots of funny parts but it also had lots of action scenes. One in particular i couldn't even watch. It was hard, but it made the movie that much better.  This movie was a pleasant surprise and i highly recommend it!


I'm sad to report that this movie was a let down. Tina Fey is one of my favorites when it comes to films (mean girls, baby mama etc.) and Micheal Sc--i mean Steve Carell never dissapoints. But it wasn't the jokes or their comedic timing, those were great! its the story in general....a couple get mistaken for some thieves and now have to out run the mob....really? not impressed. i think the only reason this movie worked in the slightest bit was BECAUSE of Tina Fey and Steve Carell. If they would have cast some one like cameron diaz or ashton kutcher (gag) this movie would have bombed. Oh...and it also helped that they had several shirtless scenes of the beautiful Mark Whalberg

Lets just take a moment to take this in.......ok back to the movie. I give it an over all ok. Not bad, but not great. Oh, and if you havent seen "Mark Wahlberg talks to animals" YOU HAVE TO SEE IT! Andy Samberg impersonates Mark Wahlberg perfectly. hilarious!