Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I was irritated that my phone didn't work, cold, hungry and tired while i watched this movie....and i still enjoyed it. It was funny when it was supposed to be and sweet in the right spots. Story about a girl who genuinely falls for a dorkier, uglier [not in this reporters opinion ;) ], less put-together guy. They go out despite both of their friends thinking they're wrong for each other. 

Of course, like all movies do, the moral is to be true to yourself and love people for who they are not what they look like *cue the "awwww"s* This movie had everything from stud muffins to ball shaving and early cumming. I give this a strong GOOD. Go watch this movie! In theaters this friday March 12.

"I'm a 10"................HAHAHAHA! i wish! but they gave out these cute buttons. and you can go to and get rated yourself. 


Hugo said...

Aww! i wanna see this movie!